Tag: tech
Leadership lessons from my garden
Since leaving my most recent position, I’ve found myself with plenty of time to spend in my garden. The timing could hardly be better – October-December is planting season for most native plants here in California as the winter rains spur growth and renewal. For Californians who are in tune with our natural cycles this…
On the Ethics of Professionalism
This article is a plea for human empathy, for connection, for community. For all the things that make us human. That may not come across as “professional” to some people. Which is why it’s necessary. I recently wrote a post about the true story of a father stranded on the road with his little girl,…
A Close Look At Mobile Ad Fraud
I have a new article up on MediaPost looking at the various types of ad fraud in the mobile media space and how brands and their partners can combat them. Media quality remains a top challenge for digital marketers. With mobile ad spending accounting for 70.3% of total U.S. digital advertising spending, many of the techniques used…
Walled Gardens
Yesterday I put up a new post on how to optimize your mobile app’s URI scheme. The post is mostly technical but touches on a few important points – notably the fact that the mobile app ecosystem is a fragmented series of walled gardens. This is in sharp contrast to the free and open web where…
3 rules to optimize your mobile app’s URI scheme
URIs are the app equivalent of a URL on the web – they specify the path to the content in your app. For mobile developers who want to use deep links to send end users to specific content in their apps, having well structured URI’s is therefore very important. The sheer number of mobile apps…
How to succeed in Technical Sales… and Life
In the last month I’ve been reviewing and revising the job description for Sales Engineering (SE) at work as I work on expanding my team here. These guidelines form a sort of code of honor that I try to adhere to as a professional and outline what I look for in potential team members. They…
The State of Electric Motorcycles
The last of my 4-part series on the state of the Electric Motorcycle industry is now live! This was a really interesting project because I got to dig deep with representatives from some very cool companies including Harley Davidson, Zero Motorcycles, and Mission Motorcycles. I chose those three because Mission is an early-stage startup that’s…
Multi-Touch Attribution in MobileAppTracking
I’ve written a new technical blog post for the MobileAppTracking Website on how MAT (my day job) handles multi-touch attribution. It’s a cool feature that adds a lot of value for our clients but there has been some confusion about how it works so I wanted to explain it for our clients. Check it out:…
10 Rules for Startups
I was hiking with a good friend from a previous company this last weekend and we got to talking about some of the things we’d both learned over the last few years of working in tech startups. I mentioned that I’ve put together a list of rules that for me determine whether I think a…
First Impressions
I’ve been thinking a lot about Google Glass lately. There are a lot of naysayers, as with any new tech, but I’m really hoping they’re able to pull off a successful launch. Unfortunately, Google has a long track record of not giving their new releases the support and rapid iteration that’s required at the beginning of the…
Culture and Opportunity
I’m kind of a radical. I say “kind of” because I’m fairly sure that at 32 my days of living in treesits and getting teargassed at endless pointless protests that don’t change anything are pretty much over. But I learned a lot along the way and these days I tend to see those lessons or…