Some days it’s hard to get up for all the sad. But maybe pain can be a learning experience, yeah?
We have walked this road before
Years past but still
I recall the shape of footprints
Days in sunshine, climbing trees
And the electricity in your kiss
When the day was new
And I was in love with life
And with you
Passion is unreliable
Fickle like spark in dry leaves
That may burst to flame
Or drown in the dark decay
Of indifference
what was, is no more
I met you and loved you instantly
Without fear or thought or hope
And believed our bliss eternal
Because I could not see its end
Our friends and family gathered
You wore a white dress
And we promised to always love each other
And cried tears of joy
But I am too tired,
Weighed down with broken dreams
Worlds that never were, lives I did not get to live
The shadow of the woman I loved
And the wreckage she left behind
I cannot share this house with you any longer
I would sputter and die without fuel
Passion wasted and burned away
Until everything you loved was gone
Lost in regret and bitterness
We have so little left, you and I
Only shared memories and pain
missed opportunities and regret
but if pain can be fuel
perhaps we will both fly again